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PC Trials at State of Science: Tom LeBlanc, Kate Courtright, & Corita Grudzen


Eric: And that’s similar to the 2016 JAMA paper, right? Eric: And we’re going to get to results, but that’s why I also love that 2016 paper: I think it was the very first palliative care trial that ever looked at individuals getting curative therapy. Did it negate everything from the 2016 trial?Palliative

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Palliative care for cancer: Podcast with Jennifer Temel and Areej El-Jawahri


Areej: I think it was 2016. Eric: 2016. And I think the most, I mean we can argue like why was this paper so important, I think this was the very first palliative care trial in people undergoing curative therapy. I loved Areej’s article. What year did it come out? I loved it so much. What year did it come out?